How to remove Lightning App Page Header [LWC]
In this tutorial, I will show you how to remove Lightning App Page Header using Lightning Web Components and CSS. In the images below you can see the final result.
Create a CSS-File and paste the “noHeader.resource” Code-Snippet. Then create a Static Resource and upload it.
.slds-page-header.header.flexipageHeader {
display: none;
import {LightningElement} from 'lwc';
//Import your CSS-File from the Static Resources
import noHeader from '@salesforce/resourceUrl/NoHeader';
//Import loadStyle-Method
import {loadStyle} from "lightning/platformResourceLoader";
export default class LwcExampleComponent extends LightningElement {
connectedCallback() {
loadStyle(this, noHeader)
.then(result => {});
That’s it!
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If you prefer to see the result with Lightning Aura Components, here’s the link to it: How to remove Lightning App Page Header [Aura].
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Hamid Abassi
SfWiki Founder
I am a Salesforce Developer from Hamburg who wants to help the Salesforce Community around the world with my tutorials. Feel free to explore my website and hopefully learn something new.